
DescriptionUsers now have the ability to generate reports with limited, results-based customizations. Users can navigate to the reports module and choose to export the information in full detailed reports or executive summary reports for different modules that identify information within the platform.

Admin-Level Views

DescriptionUsers can now view all subscriptions and high-level information regarding each subscription within the Overview section within the platform. This will allow users to quickly see all of the connected agents, services, and important risks that may arise within the subscription.

Enhanced Network Scan Configuration

ScopeScans; Scan Creation
DescriptionWithin the Scans module within the Target creation, users can now specify different configurations for performing network-based scans. Additional options, such as port lists and alive tests can be configured to perform more comprehensive and robust scans from a network perspective.
ReferencesScan Creation

Endpoint Configuration Assessment

ScopeInternal Network
DescriptionThe Shield Platform will now assess all deployed agents for secure configurations according to the Center of Internet Security’s (CIS) benchmarks for each Operating System the agent is running on. Additionally, users can export this information in CSV format from the Configurations tab within the Internal Network module or in JSON format from the Shield API.
ReferencesInternal Network; Shield Cyber API

Export Assets Feature

ScopeAttack Surface & Internal Network
DescriptionThe Shield Platform now allows all assets to be exported, like all vulnerabilities, in a CSV format or JSON format via the Shield Cyber API.
ReferencesAttack Surface; Internal Network; Shield Cyber API

Streamlined Service Deployment

ScopeInternal Network Agents, Internal Network Scanner, & Identity Security Service
DescriptionThe Shield platform now has a streamlined user sign-up workflow, where after account creation, users will be directed to create their first subscription, and then will be directed to start deploying the services necessary to use the Shield platform.

Help Documentation Platform Integration

ScopeAttack Surface, Internal Network, and Identity Security Vulnerabilities
DescriptionThe Shield Platform now has all of the documentation linked on each page. To access the documentation for a specific page, click the question mark button in the top right corner to access the specific documentation for the page you are on.
ReferencesShield Cyber Documentation

Shield’s Public Facing API

ScopeAttack Surface, Internal Network, and Identity Security Vulnerabilities
DescriptionShield now has a public facing API endpoint to retrieve results from the Attack Surface, Internal Network, and Identity Security Modules. Additionally there are endpoints that support CSV file export for all results.
ReferencesShield API Swagger; Shield API Documentation

Export Vulnerabilities Feature

ScopeAttack Surface, Internal Network, and Identity Security Vulnerabilities
DescriptionThe Shield platform now has the capability to export all vulnerabilities for each module in the form of comma separated value (CSV) files.
ReferencesAttack Surface; Internal Network; Identity Security

Network-Based Scanner Deployment

ScopeNetwork Scanner Deployment & Automation
DescriptionThe Shield network scanner can now be deployed and launched with automated scripts on a Linux-based host. This removes the need for having a separate service that needs to run alongside the Shield scanner after deployed.
ReferencesNetwork Scanner Deployment; Shield Cyber Network Scanner GitHub

External Attack Surface Scanning & Hosting

ScopeAttack Surface Scanning
DescriptionEach Shield subscription that is created now comes configured with an external attack surface scanner. With this added feature, users have the ability to configure and create scans that target their external (internet-facing) infrastructure.
ReferencesAttack Surface

Scan Creation

ScopeNetwork Scan Creation
DescriptionThe Shield Platform now has the ability to create and launch network-based scans within the Scan Creation module of the platform.
ReferencesScan Creation Documentation

Agent-Based Scanning

ScopeAgent-Based Vulnerability Scanning (Windows OS)
DescriptionThe Shield Platform can now perform vulnerability scanning via the Shield Agent. Please navigate to the Agents to manage and add new agents for each subscription.
ReferencesAgent-Based Scanning