Attack Surface Scanning
External Network Vulnerability Scans
To perform an initial scan, please navigate to the Scan Creation page. All subscriptions will come pre-configured with a dedicated external network vulnerability scanner, and users have the ability to target and launch scans of their own external network from this scanner.
To create and launch scans, users will have to first create assets to target and then configure the scans within this module. The workflow for the scan creation process is as follows:
Target Creation
Targets and configurations need to be created and saved. Specify the target name, IP address and/or Hostname, as well as the port list, alive test, and the location that the scan will be executed from.
Scan Creation
Scans need to be created and tied to the targets that were generated from the initial step. Enter a scan name and then select the created target(s) and scan configuration to assess the targets.
Launch or Schedule Scans to Run
Once scans are created and are in the “New” state, users can navigate to the Scan Control or the Schedule page(s) to launch the initial scan on a one-time basis (Scan Control) or scheduled out to run at at designated time and frequency (Schedule).
Once the scan is created, the scan(s) can be launched in the Scan Control module, and the status of the scans can be tracked. Once the scans have been completed, users can manually sync the results to the platform, and the results will be within the Attack Surface module where they can be exported via CSV or in a PDF report.